Relateable AI - Relate smarter with AI | Product Hunt

Unlock your Relating Ability with AI

Get more from your social and professional interactions with AI-powered insights from RelateAbleAI.

It's not enough to know people

You need to remember everything about them; and understand them


Know them


Struggle to understand them


Lose them

Everything you need, to understand peopleand make the most of your relationships

  • Whether you are interested in them or have to work with them, you can create a profile of them to remember everything about them.
  • Just type things out in natural language and let RelateAbleAI do the rest.
  • Just keep telling us what they're like from YOUR perspective, and we will suggest the best ways to interact with them.
  • Sometimes, it helps to know about people's strengths, weaknesses, and preferences in a structured way so that you can compare and manage them better.

Tired of navigating people?

Just knowing people

  • Remember their names
  • Get their personalities wrong
  • Treat them in ways inappropriate to them
  • Unintentionally hurt them
  • Miss out on opportunities to connect or make progress

Understanding them with AI

  • Know exactly what they are like
  • Have structured data about their skills, strengths, weaknesses
  • Be aware of their habits
  • Leverage this information to make better decisions


Frequently Asked Questions

  • We all create profiles about others in our head based on our own experiences. RelateableAI simply lets you put it somewhere
  • You could. But RelateableAI also structures the data you give into meaningful formats and then provide insights based on that data

  • RelateableAI also provides structure to the information you give it and presents it in formats that you desire.
  • RelateableAI is also ideal for managing teams or students where managers or teachers can take note of their people's strengths, weaknesses, work habits and so on.

Stop all the wondering and guesswork

Don't waste time trying to figure out people.