Relateable AI - Relate smarter with AI | Product Hunt

Transform Your Relationships with AI

RelateAbleAI gives you detailed insights into peopleโ€™s personalities and attributes, so that you can make better decisions

It's not enough to know people

You even need to understand them


Know them


Struggle to understand them


Lose them

Everything you need, to understand peopleand make the most of your relationships

  • Whether you are interested in them or have to work with them, or vote for them, you can create a profile of them to remember everything about them.
  • Just type things out in natural language and let RelateAbleAI do the rest. Write whatever you like.
  • We gauge people's attributes based on historical data, not human impressions based on your most recent interactions
  • We will even explain why we gauge them the way we did, so that you can manage them better.

Knowing people mentally is not enough

Without RelateableAI

  • Struggle remembering names
  • Misjudge their personalities, skills, or preferences
  • Gauge them based on the most recent interactions
  • Befriend or avoid based on emotions
  • Miss out on opportunities to connect or make progress

With RelateableAI

  • Remember them forever
  • Have structured data about their skills, strengths, weaknesses
  • Gauge them based on historical data
  • Befriend or avoid based on facts


Frequently Asked Questions

  • We all create profiles about others in our head based on our own experiences. RelateableAI simply lets you put it somewhere
  • You could. But RelateableAI also structures the data you give into meaningful formats and then provide insights based on that data

  • RelateableAI also provides structure to the information you give it and presents it in a nicer format.
  • RelateableAI is also ideal for managing teams or students where managers or teachers can take note of their people's strengths, weaknesses, work habits and so on. You can even keep track of famous people based on news articles or your own personal insights.

Stop all the wondering and guesswork

Don't waste time trying to figure out people.